Hi! I'm Kitty-tama, and this is going to be my personal website away from traditional social media outlets to freely blog or share my thoughts on things.
I don't fully know how to code or build websites, so this all is very new to me. For the time being, it's gonna be pretty barebones.
This will primarily be a blog, but maybe I'll add extra stuff someday, somehow? We'll see, I guess?
Looking forward to building this little site for real!
If you want to say hi, feel free to email me at kittytamasings@gmail.com
Currently feeling sad and rejected due to Twitter blocking shenanigans. I'm tired of being a wuss over such silly/petty bullshit, so to cope with said sadness, I'm teaching myself how to build a website and make a space where I don't have to worry about personal interactions like that! Or other people's approval. Busy with various work projects and brainrotting about my beloved waifu, Kanae Hokari. Just another day in the life.
I'm in the process of creating various stories across various mediums--some are straightforward short stories, others are VNs, and still others will be created in Twine. I have a really deep love of writing stories and want to share my little stories with the world even if they may not be anything particularly special. My mind is always racing with ideas, ideas I don't always fully know what to do with. But dammit, I want to truly get some of them out into the world, out in a way that's not just thoughts rattling around my brain. I'm unsure how long it'll take for my various stories to come together or what, but we'll see... I've been doing so much creative writing in my spare time recently, particularly super self-indulgent self-insert fics with me and Kanae, which feels kinda embarrassing typing out like this but hey! It's fun!
I'm torn on if I'll share the self-insert fics or not, we'll see. Keep your eyes peeled on this page to see any new additions I may make in the meantime!